Yngve Ekström found the inspiration for his outdoor furniture while studying dish racks that were able to withstand large quantities of water. The graceful garden table Desirée was born.
Read moreThe 1950s saw many architects try to merge indoor and outdoor. Yngve Ekström found the inspiration for his outdoor furniture while studying dish racks that were able to withstand large quantities of water. The graceful garden table Desirée was born.
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Many modernist architects were universal designers with not only a clear understanding of designing houses, but also the interior, the furniture and almost the clothes the owners might wear. Swedese's founder, Yngve Ekström, was no exception. Together with names including Alvar Aalto, Bruno Mathsson, Arne Jacobsen and Poul Kjaerholm, Yngve Ekström was at the core of a generation of designers who made the concept "Scandinavian Modern" famous all over the world. With a keen eye, he designed Swedese's furniture, he designed together with L + M Architects also the head office building, logo, catalogues and personalised Christmas cards including their own poems. And so on.
The most well known design of Yngve Ekström's extensive portfolio is the Lamino armchair from 1956, which is still manufactured and sold all over the world. In 1999 the Lamino was voted the Twentieth Century's Best Swedish Furniture Design by the Swedish interior design magazine Sköna Hem.
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